Connected Services

To get to the Connected Services page, from the main navigation, select the employer name and then go to Settings > Connected Services.

Here you manage integrations with other products and services such as pension providersHR platforms and accounting software.


To connect to a service, select the relevant logo.

Depending on the service selected, this takes you to their website to approve access, or you need to enter credentials.

Once connected, the logo will have a green border.

Making use of Connected Services

Nothing on this page itself makes use of the connected service. Instead, options appear elsewhere in the software, where relevant.

For example, if you’re connected to a pension provider, when you add or edit a pension scheme, you’ll be able to select it.

Or for connected accounting software, you can post journals to it from the Payrun Journal page.

There are specific topics in this help centre for some of the Connected Services.


To disconnect a connected service, select its logo. A window will open with a button to disconnect.

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