Payroll Automation

Eliminate the cost and time associated with routine tasks with Staffology’s payroll automation features.
All features are included as standard with no extra cost.

Not everyone has the development resources to take advantage of our Payroll API. Nor do they have the budget to pay for expensive RPA (Robotic Process Automation) solutions to automate their desktop payroll software.

With our software you can take advantage of payroll automation without any development work and for as little as £0.06p per additional payslip. Here we’ll take you through some of the features that let you “set and forget” payroll.


Set and Forget Your Payroll

Payroll takes up valuable time. Each payslip is different, and when you add in tax & NI calculations, pensions and more , it becomes a complex task with strict time limits.
Staffology wants to reduce payroll time, while making sure it is accurate. We’ve created payroll software that lets you simply set it and forget it. Let our automation and technological expertise do the hard work for you.

Take the Hard Work Out of Payroll

Our product can be used by anyone, regardless of technological ability. Our automated solutions make payroll easy. Here’s how:

  • Auto Pilot Abilities
  • Payment Summaries
  • Payslip Distribution
  • Automatic Distribution of Funds
  • Coding Notices

Payroll automation isn’t just about creating a system that runs payroll every month; we automate nearly every aspect of payroll. We free up valuable time to focus on tasks you cannot automate.

Staffology’s Payroll Automation Features

Auto Pilot

Many payrolls are ‘static’. They rarely, if ever, change. It’s the same people paid the same gross amount, week in, week out. Once you’ve done the initial setup, you can enable our Auto Pilot feature. This will automatically finalise the payrun, email out the payslip PDFs to each employee, file the FPS with HMRC and start the next payrun.

Unless you manually intervene to turn off autopilot, the same will happen again with the new payrun – until the end of the tax year. You can of course still manually make changes – add employees, change payment amounts, etc. – if you need to.

Payments Summary

It’s often the case that although you’re responsible for running payroll, you’re not the one responsible for making the resulting payments. You can enable a setting that will email whichever address you provide with a Payments Summary file after finalising a payrun.

As well as net payments to employees and their bank details, the file also includes any payments that need to be made to HMRC and Pension Providers.

Need to password protect the file for GDPR compliance? Not a problem, the Staffology’s software can do that too.

Intelligent Payslip Distribution

Staffology works best when you enter an email address for each employee and use our feature to have the payslip emailed to them automatically. But this isn’t always possible or even desirable.

Our Payslip Distribution setting allows you to automatically email all payslips (that haven’t already been sent direct to an employee) to a specified address.

You can choose to have individual attachments for each payslip or all payslips on a single PDF. Whatever is easiest for you.

Even more email magic:
As well as payslips and a payment summary, you can now also automatically send many more reports.

Automatic Distribution of Funds

Once your payroll is finalised you’ll have payments to make. You could download a BACS file and upload it to your bank. Or you could automate this too.

We integrate with a number of payment providers so that you can automatically send funds to:

  • Employees
  • Pension Providers
  • HMRC

Coding Notices

What about mid-year changes to tax codes and loan deductions? Well, we’ve got that covered too.

Staffology receives these notifications from HMRC and gives you the option to either automatically apply them or manually approve them.

View the User Guide page for Payroll Automation.

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