Two big features that we’ve felt we’re missing are an Employer Portal and an Employee Portal. There may only be one letter differentiating the two but they’re very different beasts.
We decided to start by tackling the Employer Portal.
What’s needed?
From talking to those of you that wanted to give a separate login to employers we found, unsurprisingly, that there was some variety in the levels of access you wanted to provide.
Some of you wanted access for Employers to log in and self-service reports and have read-only access to payrun information.
Others wanted to go further and let Employers add new employees, edit payments but not finalise payruns.
Introducing Roles
To cater for the different requirements, we’ve introduced Roles.
You can invite other users to access an Employer and when you do you can choose which role to assign them. As well as the administrator role, you have two other options to choose from.Reviewer
This is the most restrictive of the roles. It gives the user the ability to view employee records, reports, payruns, etc – but not the ability to change or update any information.Editor
As well as everything a Reviewer can do, an Editor can also edit existing employees and payments, but can’t finalise payruns.
When a user logs in, they’ll only see menu items that are relevant to them.
So a Reviewer will see far less on screen than an Administrator.
Using these role-based logins, you can now give employers the ability to view their payroll details with just the right levels of access.
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