A quick guide to calculating labour turnover
28th Feb '24
We’re constantly adding small features and making minor tweaks to improve the product for you.
Often they’re too small to warrant announcing. But here are a few of the recent changes and additions that you might find useful.
A common request of late has been the ability to send a P45 by email.
We’ve always linked to the P45 when you finalise a payrun with employees that are leaving.
Now we’ll instead link to the email page if the employee record has an email address.
You’ll also see a button on the P45 report page to send by email as well as on the record page for a former employees.
The Gross To Net report tells you the total amount of statutory pay that’s been paid to your employees. But what if you want to break it down by the different types of pay (SMP, SSP, etc)?
That’s the information David and DKB Accountancy needed. So we added it. He was rather pleased.
You can access the report under the Reports tab and then going to the Payruns sub-section.
And finally, if you don’t like the way we name PDFs for payslips as payslip-{period}-{periodNumber}-{payrollCode}.pdf
then you can now change the format in Settings -> Payslip Customisation.
28th Feb '24
2nd May '23