Custom Pay Periods: 445, Quarterly, etc

Posted on Tuesday, 2nd Jun '20

Duane Jackson by Duane Jackson

If you’re on our mailing list you’ll know I usually end my emails with a request to let me know about any features you need or any suggestions we can try and implement to make things easier or more efficient for you.

One small request we received was to make it so you can temporarily disable the automatic posting of journals to your accounting software. That’s now done as you’ll see in the Automation Settings page.

But not all feature requests are created equal. One other request was to support “445 payrolls”.

I found out this means you divide the year into 4 quarters and each quarter has 3 pay periods of 4, 4 and then 5 weeks. Sounds completely bonkers to me but on reading a bit more I see why it is popular in retail and manufacturing.

It took a lot of thought, and I’m pretty sure I even dreamed about it one night, but eventually we worked out how to implement it into the software.

After much testing, I’m pleased to announce that as well as Weekly, Fortnightly, Four Weekly and Monthly pay schedules, we now also support Custom Schedules.

You can define your own schedule, saying how many weeks you want in each period. So as well as 445 (and 454 or 544 if you’re that way inclined) you can also use this for Quarterly (13,13,13,13), Biannual (26,26) or Annual (52) payroll too.

And because of the recently announced Multiple Schedules, Same Frequency feature, you can run multiple custom schedules.

Got a feature or suggestion for how we can improve the product? Small additions like the journal posting feature mentioned above are welcome, but we’re also up for a challenge!

Duane Jackson, June 2nd, 2020

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