Anthony Wolny

UK National Minimum Wage: everything you need to know

13th Aug '24

Whether you’ve got a large multi-national business or you’re just starting up, understanding the UK National Minimum Wage is a must. But with rates regularly changing, it’s understandable if you’re struggling to keep up. However, getting the Minimum Wage wrong isn’t an option. Fear not! In this blog, we cover everything you need to know […]

by Anthony Wolny

Three benefits of a good Human Resource Management System (HRMS)

9th Jul '24

If it’s not broken, don’t fix it – a classic saying that so many of us use. However, this should not be applied to HR.  While the approach may at times work – a wobbly shelf just hanging on or a dated iPhone that has slowed but still runs.   Your people management, on the other […]

by Anthony Wolny

Absence management: what is the Bradford Factor?

4th Jul '24

Absences are an unavoidable part of workplace management. At one point or another, situations will arise – whether that’s sickness, emergencies or personal responsibilities – and your staff will need time off. As such, businesses need a good absence management framework to support employees and they must provide clear and consistent guidance. One way HR […]

by Anthony Wolny

HR: what is position management?  

11th Apr '22

How are you managing your workforce?  For many HR professionals, when their business increases in size, various time-drains and challenges arise around determining accurate roles and responsibilities.   But with HR software, you can use position management to make handling a dynamic workforce much easier and less time-consuming.    What is position management?   Essentially, position management creates […]

by Anthony Wolny

Will face masks become mandatory in the office?

3rd Sep '20

Following September 1, face masks are now mandatory within all offices and factories in France. This enforcement is due to the surge in coronavirus cases France is currently experiencing. As a number of cities across the UK are also seeing coronavirus spikes and local lockdowns, many HR professionals are wondering – will we follow suit? […]

by Anthony Wolny

Furlough: New law to stop redundancy pay cut

13th Aug '20

Some businesses have been giving lower redundancy payments to staff who were furloughed, then later laid off, the Government says. Although it describes them as ‘the minority’, Ministers have sought to stop this happening by introducing a new law, which has now taken effect. Why has it happened? Some employers have been making redundancy pay-outs […]

by Anthony Wolny

50,000 bank staff WFH till 2021, despite PM’s guidance change

23rd Jul '20

Large swathes of the workforce have been working from home for months to help reduce the risks of COVID infections, as instructed by the Government. But as August nears, the Prime Minister signalled a shift in the messaging around coronavirus and workplace safety. As of next month, employers will be given a much greater say. […]

by Anthony Wolny

New funding for employers who hire trainees and apprentices

9th Jul '20

A lot has been announced in the recent summer statement, but few changes will have as large an impact on HR professionals as the support being given to apprenticeships and trainees. The policies are part of the Government’s wider plan to encourage hiring and job retention across the UK. Below we’ve outlined what has been […]

by Anthony Wolny

Furlough to end and new Job Retention Bonus scheme revealed

8th Jul '20

Furlough is to be wound down and succeeded by a new Job Retention Bonus Scheme, costing up to £9bn, the Chancellor has revealed today. Rishi Sunak has just released a summer statement detailing the future of the Government’s COVID-19 support for workers and businesses. Key announcements were made about the end of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, […]

by Anthony Wolny

Quick wins for the next normal – 5 ways of working to leave behind

1st Jul '20

If the last few months have taught us anything, it’s the importance of business resilience. We know that resetting, reorganising, and finding resilience are likely to be a huge part of your business strategy right now. So, inspired by the ingenuity of SMEs across the globe, here are 5 ways of working we don’t think […]

by Anthony Wolny

Staying home vs returning to the office?

26th Jun '20

Continue homeworking or return to the workplace? The question SMEs are all facing right now…  It’s a big question and the answer will be different for each and every business.   Either way, Staffology HR is here to help.   Staying home Home working is set to become a much more regular part of the way most […]

by Anthony Wolny

Here to Help: Becoming COVID-secure – what does this mean?

22nd May '20

The government has provided a list of guidelines to help companies make sure their workplaces are safe for employees to return to. They’re calling this being ‘COVID-secure’. Encouraging businesses to translate the guidelines into the specific actions they need to take, the government is also asking them to undertake a COVID-19 risk assessment. In addition, ways […]

by Anthony Wolny

Stress Awareness Month – 3 steps to starting conversations about stress

7th Apr '20

The disruption and uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus pandemic is turning our working and personal lives upside down. This means that levels of stress and anxiety are likely to be higher among your employees than ever before. Unfortunately, stigma still surrounds stress which means some of your employees may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable opening up […]

by Anthony Wolny

Here to Help: 8 simple ways to enhance your wellbeing strategy for home workers

6th Apr '20

The way we live and work has changed dramatically over the last few weeks. So much so that even the most resilient and adaptable of your employees are likely to be feeling the strain. That means it’s more important than ever to focus on employee wellbeing. To help, we’re sharing 8 simple ways you can […]

by Anthony Wolny

Our 5 top tips for creating a culture of learning and development

28th Feb '20

Improving employee engagement, retention and boosting the skills available within your business – three great reasons why a strong learning and development strategy should be a high priority for SMEs. But all too often, sitting down to set up a new strategy can be seen as a time-consuming task. So, we’ve put together five top […]

by Anthony Wolny

See you on the red carpet – at the 2020 Amazon ScaleUp Awards

27th Feb '20

We couldn’t be happier to announce that we’re sponsoring the Employer of the Year category at the 2020 Amazon ScaleUp Awards, which will be celebrating the best of UK business. Our Chief People Officer, Stephanie Kelly will be presenting the award, and is excited to have the chance to honour a business that strives to put its people […]

by Anthony Wolny

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