FreeAgent Payroll Integration

Our cloud-based payroll software integrates with FreeAgent.
Automate the creation of payroll journals for every pay run.

Getting started

Create a Staffology account, it’s free to use until you want to submit a real FPS to HMRC.

Click on the employer name in the main menu and go to Settings -> Connected Services.

Change to the “Accounting” tab and click the appropriate logo for FreeAgent.

If you have a Practice Manager account
For all other accounts

You’ll be asked to allow us to access your account.

Once you’ve confirmed access for us you’ll be returned to Staffology.

If you’re connected to a Practice Manager account you’ll now be asked to confirm which client you want to connect to.

Mapping Nominal Codes

We need to know which accounting category in FreeAgent should be used for each Pay Code in Staffology.

Click the employer name in the main menu and choose Settings -> Pay Codes. Then click the button at the top of the page.

Now click the Load codes from FreeAgent button.

The codes from your FreeAgent account are now listed in the drop-down lists.
Map each Pay Code in Staffology to the relevant nominal code in FreeAgent.

Once you’ve finished mapping codes you need to click the “Update Mappings” button at the bottom of the page to save your selection.

Posting Journals

As soon as you finalise a payrun, we’ll connect to your FreeAgent account and create a journal entry.

You can verify that the journal has been posted by going to Reports -> Payruns -> Journal Entry.

There is also a link directly to the journal in FreeAgent.

Start Automating

Payroll journals are now taken care of, but there are more time-saving feature to explore.

If you use “Auto Pilot” then it’s possible to not have to touch payroll for a whole year.


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